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Cotton glove with heat
Glove with heating wire both inside and up (volart and dorsal) and along each finger. The material is in soft cotton. The glove is intended for use under an ordinary glove with insulation to prevent heat loss. Keep in mind that the glove used above the inner glove must have good insulating properties to prevent heat loss
09 03 12 05 - Gloves
The product series contains 1 product.
Product 1 of 1
Glove in cotton with heat
Registration date
Last updated
For children
Specifically designed for use in combination with another product
E.g. designed for operating joysticks, steering handles, or mobility canes
Heating Element
Focus on skin condition
For use for skin conditions.
Test information
No information about tests according to standards ![info](/en/img/i.svg)
The supplier has not provided documentation, that this product is testet according to a relevant standard. See examples of relevant standards for this product type
EU product safety regulation
No information about CE-marking ![info](/en/img/i.svg)
The supplier has not provided any information about CE-marking of the product. Explain CE-marking