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ABRACE Senschair
ABRACE Sensorychair is a sensory stimulating concept armchair. The chair has a built-in light guard that removes disturbing elements. The chair is fitted with a legswing that relieves anxiety. With the chair comes 4 kneeblankets and poncho with weight (3 kg.), which helps to increase security, better body definition, concentration and destress.
04 28 09 05 - Furniture for sensory stimulation
The product series contains 1 product.
Product 1 of 1
Abrace Senschair
Registration date
Last updated
Cover mashine washable
Test information
No information about tests according to standards ![info](/en/img/i.svg)
The supplier has not provided documentation, that this product is testet according to a relevant standard. See examples of relevant standards for this product type
EU product safety regulation
No information about CE-marking ![info](/en/img/i.svg)
The supplier has not provided any information about CE-marking of the product. Explain CE-marking
Other specifications
The chair is suitable for use in institutions, hospitals, residences and private homes.
Artificial leather and woven textile materials that are flame retardant.
The chair is cleaned with Virkon S, Actichlor Plus, Prime Source Pure-93 or Ethanol (70-85).
Color: Fudge
Artificial leather and woven textile materials that are flame retardant.
The chair is cleaned with Virkon S, Actichlor Plus, Prime Source Pure-93 or Ethanol (70-85).
Color: Fudge