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Frankie Flamingo for 0/1 switch

Frankie Flamingo for 0/1 switch opens up a world where play and learning merge. Designed to stimulate the senses for children with special needs, Frankie offers an interactive experience that promotes development through play, ensuring safety and durability. Supplied without 0/1 switch.

30 03 03 03 - Other toys

The product series contains 1 product.

Product 1 of 1
Frankie Flamingo for 0/1 switch


Registration date
Last updated

Operating by single/multiple switch
Doll/soft toy with a disability

Test information
No information about tests according to standards info
The supplier has not provided documentation, that this product is testet according to a relevant standard. See examples of relevant standards for this product type

EU product safety regulation info
The supplier has provided the following information about CE-marking of the product. Explain CE-marking
Within the general product safety directive/regulation and without CE marking