Character-reading machines

Devices for reading aloud printed text with an electronic voice.


Information can be stored on the device.
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Smart Reader

Smart Reader

Easy-to-use, Smart Reader boasts a lightweight portable sleek design with a user friendly console. Connect Smart Reader to a TV or monitor and enlarge your captured image to follow along as it reads. For a true portable experience, attach Smart Reader to our 13.3 inch Portable Battery Operated Monitor and enjoy up to 3,5 hours of reading anywhere

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Lysoglup ApS
Erhvervsvej 30
2610 Rødovre


Grøndalsvej 8, Ulbjerg
8832 Skals

SmartReader HD

SmartReader HD

Text-to-speech device for use both as a stand-alone device, and in conjunction with an external tv screen or monitor, and thus work as a magnifying device/CCTV. Reads aloud in both Danish and a range of other languages. Stores, imports and exports text documents and pictures. Doubles as a CCTV with an external monitor connected through HDMI cable.

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Lysoglup ApS
Erhvervsvej 30
2610 Rødovre



Have you missed or missed reading the subtitles on your TV? Maybe youve even completely stopped watching TV because the subtitles arent available? Then we can please you with Go-box Go-box is the name of a small box that does great things. It simply reads the subtitles that appear on your TV - its simple and it works

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Butik KIK
Blekinge Boulevard 2
2630 Taastrup

MagniLink Voice II - Bat

LVI Danmark ApS
Hørkær 24, st. tv
2730 Herlev


Tonax A/S
Niels Bohrs Vej 15
8660 Skanderborg



Foxlinq is a small Appart (Measures 14 x 10 cm) that reads your subtitles on your television.
Foxlinq connects to the television and digital receiver box
(Audio via your television) Foxlinq connects to the TV device such as a satellite receiver, TV Appeal, DVD player or similar, to your Foxlinq.
The subtitles are read aloud on your TV.

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Butik KIK
Blekinge Boulevard 2
2630 Taastrup