Portable ramps

Moveable sloping surfaces that bridge a limited gap between two levels.


For both track ramps and ramps please state the allowed load pr. item.
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Folding ramps

Guldmann A/S
Graham Bells Vej 21-23 A
8200 Århus N

Folding Telescopic Ramps

Guldmann A/S
Graham Bells Vej 21-23 A
8200 Århus N

Telescopic ramps

Guldmann A/S
Graham Bells Vej 21-23 A
8200 Århus N

Wide folding pro ramp

Guldmann A/S
Graham Bells Vej 21-23 A
8200 Århus N

iRamp Aluminium, portable ramps

iRamp Aluminium, portable ramps

iRamp Aluminum is a portable ramp with a large surface, making it ideal for wheelchairs and three-wheeled scooters. iRamp Aluminum is very light and has a high load capacity up to 400 kg.

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Stepless Easyfold Pro3 ramp

Guldmann A/S
Graham Bells Vej 21-23 A
8200 Århus N

Stepless EasyFold Pro

Guldmann A/S
Graham Bells Vej 21-23 A
8200 Århus N