Mobile hoists for transferring a person in sitting position with sling seats from Guldmann A/S

Equipment for transferring by lifting and freely moving a person in a sitting, near-sitting and semi-lying position; the body support unit consists of slings.


0-9 (IPX0-IPX9) according to the standard for degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IEC 60529)
The distance between the central supension point and the mast is constant with a vertical lifting movement. With a curved lifting movement the distance varies.
Measured with the base in the widest position
Diameter of the narrowest circle encompassing the extreme points of the hoist, when it is turned 360 degrees without beeing reversed.
måneder (± 5 måneder)
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1 product series.
Mobile lifters GL5.2

Mobile lifters GL5.2

GL5.2 Mobile personal lifter is the floor-based alternative to the ceiling-mounted lifting and transfer systems. It is available in two variants with a lifting capacity of resp. 155 and 205 kg. They have a lifting height of 1759 mm and it is possible to lift a person directly from the floor.

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Guldmann A/S
Graham Bells Vej 21-23 A
8200 Århus N