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2 product series.
![Monocle Monocle](blobs/snet/20845.jpg)
A Monocle that provides a wider field of view. Mainly used for orientation. Easy to bring in your pocket. The lens is made of high index mineral glass and the handle is made of metal.
Add to My listLysoglup ApS
Erhvervsvej 30
2610 Rødovre
+45 43 45 14 51
![Prism spectacles - Bedglasses Prism spectacles - Bedglasses](blobs/snet/1997.jpg)
Prism spectacles - Bedglasses
Prism spectacles with a 90 degree refraction. Enables user to watch television or read while lying flat. May be worn over ordinary spectacles.
Lysoglup ApS
Erhvervsvej 30
2610 Rødovre
+45 43 45 14 51