Other devices for grasping from BY CONNIEHANSEN 2015 ApS

Other products for grasping an object which replace the gripping function of the hands.


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2 product series.
Hold On Tight Mittens

Hold On Tight Mittens

Hold on Tight mittens, assist the grip on ex bike handlebar, walker, crutches. Soft polyester inside and strong Beaver nylon outside fabric. Shaped for right or left hand to fit fingers position nicely. Velcro straps support the position of the arm wrist.
Sizes Child, junior and adult.

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Byåsen 18
3660 Stenløse

Hold On Tight mittens

Hold On Tight mittens

Hold on Tight mittens, assist the grip on ex bike handlebar, walker, crutches. Soft polyester inside and strong Beaver nylon outside fabric. Shaped for right or left hand to fit fingers position nicely. Velcro straps support the position of the arm wrist.
Sizes Child, junior and adult.

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Byåsen 18
3660 Stenløse