Assistive products for activities and participation relating to personal mobility and transportation

Products intended to support or replace a persons capacity to move indoors and outdoors or to transfer from one place to another.
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Garage for electric scooter and power wheelchair

Garage for electric scooter and power wheelchair

The garage is made of durable, water repellent, UV-resistant material that retains its flexibility even at freezing temperatures.
The tarpaulin has an elastic cord at the bottom which makes it possible to tighten the tarpaulin so that it closes to the bottom.

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C-MAX Plus

C-MAX Plus

The transportation of bariatric persons up and down stairs is often a great challenge. Sometimes it takes up to 8 people to painfully carry a patient in a carry-sling up and down stairways. In most cases this is an unpleasant experience for both, patient and personnel.

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Overgårdvej 4
7500 Holstebro

2GOabillity kørestol

2GOabillity kørestol

2GOability wheelchair is easy to carry around. The wheelchair is foldable and has removable rear wheels. The frame is made out aluminium and only weighs 11,5 kg. 2GOability has height adjustable armrests. The wheelchair is made in red and blue.

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Basic Comfort High, Polyester

Guldmann A/S
Graham Bells Vej 21-23 A
8200 Århus N