Assistive products for changing body position

Assistive products for assisting change of position. Hoists to transfer person into or out of vehicles without wheelchair, see 12 12 15. Assistive products for transferring person seated in wheelchair into or out of vehicles, see 12 12 18. Assistive products for lifting persons, see 12 36. Supporting handrails and grab bars, see 18 18. Assistive products for vertical accessibility, see 18 30.
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Height Extension kit for VENDLET

Height Extension kit for VENDLET

The VENDLET bars must be 22-23 cm above the mattress surface. If alternating air mattresses or other pressure-relieving mattresses are used, the mattress often become so thick, that height extensions must be used.
There are different height extension kits for the different VENDLET-models.

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Leg strap

Leg strap

Length: 106cm
Loop on both ends.
Loop put on the foot and with the long stop, you can help to lift the leg without bending down.
Heavy wire inserted, so the band can be formed. Also the loop on the foot can be shaped so that it stays open.

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Quantum Sail Design Group
Amager Strandvej 50
2300 København S