Furnishings, fixtures and other assisitve products for supporting activities in indoor and outdoor human-made environments

Furniture and other products that can be placed in, incorporated into or, otherwise, added to, the built environment to facilitate movement and positioning, including entry and exit, within areas constructed for public and private use. Included are, e.g. products for sitting, standing and lying. Sets of castors, see 24 36 06. Assistive products for environmental improvement, see 27 03. Workplace furniture and furnishing elements, see 28 03.
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Slim Lamp Flex

Slim Lamp Flex

Lamp on spring-loaded clamp with flexible gooseneck-style arm, providing cool 5500K LED lighting, driven by power from a USB connection. Simple operation with on/off and dimming integrated in a single, touch-sensitive button on the lamp head. Available in Black and White

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Lysoglup ApS
Erhvervsvej 30
2610 Rødovre

LEDLENSER P-Serie Signature

LEDLENSER P-Serie Signature

The LedLenser Signature range is the pinnacle of LedLensers collection, offering the best outputs along with a multitude of extra features and accessories, ensuring you can always find the right type of lighting for the task at hand.

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Lysoglup ApS
Erhvervsvej 30
2610 Rødovre

Bed lift, LUX

Bed lift, LUX

The bed lift is to be used for the consumers own private bed. Therefore, it can be adjusted for all types of elevation beds. The bed lift can be mounted under the bed, and the lifting system is known from the hospitality beds. The bed lift is equipped with central brakes

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Rehab-care.dk ApS
Avnvej 10
7400 Herning

Oras Medipro touchless wash basin faucets

Oras Medipro touchless wash basin faucets

Oras Medipro touchless faucets are made with rounded shapes, so dirt does not easily settle in the corners. The handle for temperature control is designed as a wing, making it easy to operate. The touchless faucets are available in standard and XL sizes.

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Oras Armatur A/S
Gl. Landevej 86
7000 Fredericia