Gate, door, window and curtain openers/closers

Devices, manual or electronic, that facilitate opening and closing windows, doors, curtains and locks. Assistive products for operating and controlling devices, see 24 09. Environmental control systems, see 24 13 03. Grip adapters and attachments, see 24 18 06.
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ID Lock

ID Lock

ID Lock ensures that a door to a room in a nursing home only opens for the person living there. The resident has a transmitter that fits to one specific door. When the resident approaches the door from the outside, it will unlock. From the inside the door can always open. A single press on a special transmitter, the staff can always open the door.

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Tunstall A/s
Niels Bohrs Vej 42, Stilling
8660 Skanderborg

DORMA CS 80 MAGNEO skydedørsåbner

DORMA Danmark A/S
Roholmsvej 10 A
2620 Albertslund