Furnishings, fixtures and other assisitve products for supporting activities in indoor and outdoor human-made environments

Furniture and other products that can be placed in, incorporated into or, otherwise, added to, the built environment to facilitate movement and positioning, including entry and exit, within areas constructed for public and private use. Included are, e.g. products for sitting, standing and lying. Sets of castors, see 24 36 06. Assistive products for environmental improvement, see 27 03. Workplace furniture and furnishing elements, see 28 03.
Wheelchair and handicap ramps

Wheelchair and handicap ramps

Our wheelchair and handicap ramps, made of stretch metal, are made up of standard modules. This makes the design and adaptation of the ramps very flexible and ensures quick delivery. In addition, the modular system also gives the ramps a longer life, as the individual modules can be reused several times for other ramp solutions.

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Keycab ApS
Frederiksberg Allé 53, 2. th.
1820 Frederiksberg C

Foldable wheelchair ramps

Foldable wheelchair ramps

Our foldable wheelchair ramps are made of aluminum with a non-slip surface. The ramps are easy to handle and transport due to their low weight and design. Our foldable wheelchair ramps are available in various sizes, with a load capacity of 270 kg. and can overcome height differences of up to 54 cm.

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Keycab ApS
Frederiksberg Allé 53, 2. th.
1820 Frederiksberg C

Foldable driving ramps

Foldable driving ramps

Our foldable driving ramps are made of aluminum and therefore have a very low weight. This makes the ramps easy to handle and to take on the go. The ramps are available in two different sizes, with and without handles and have a load capacity of 500 and 1100 kg. The ramps fit height differences of up to 60 cm.

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Keycab ApS
Frederiksberg Allé 53, 2. th.
1820 Frederiksberg C

KABA TouchGo

Niels Bohrs Vej 23, 1. th.
8660 Skanderborg