Assistive products for face-to-face communication

Assistive products for communication between persons situated in the same place. Included are products primarily used for face-to-face communication, but with options for distance communication. Assistive products for distance communication, see 22 24. Assistive products for voice production, see 22 09.
Personal Pictogram

Personal Pictogram

Create a unique and personalized environment for your children with our custom acrylic pictograms We give you the opportunity to customize your own pictograms by uploading images directly to our website. For children with special needs or those who love having a visual guide in their daily lives. Includes clamps with double-sided adhesive tape.

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Grid Pad 10s

Grid Pad 10s

Grid Pad 10s is a dedicated, multi-access device designed for users who want a portable and rugged communication aid.

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Grid Pad 12 with Eye Gaze

Grid Pad 12 with Eye Gaze

12,5 dedicated device with Eye Gaze, symbol and text communication, AAC-aid.
10 hours battery life
Built-in radio and infrared Environment Control
Easy to use and edit, remote editing
Symbols - SymbolStix, PCS etc

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Touch Pad

Touch Pad

Touch Pad is a 10 lightweight AAC device for touch access. Grid 3 software. For all ages and conditions. Long battery life, amplifies speaker, rugged case, handle and adjustable stand. Lightweight 1 kg only.

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Grid Pad 12

Grid Pad 12

12,5 dedicated device, symbol and text communication, AAC-aid
15 hours battery life
Built-in radio and infrared Environment Control
Easy to use and edit, remote editing
Ready for use with eye gaze, switches, touch, and USB devices
Symbols SymbolStix, PCS etc

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Pictograms with associated pictogram plate in acrylic. The pictograms are durable and available in different sizes. 24.5 cm x 33 cm and 40 x 60 cm respectively. The large plate is suitable as a permanent fixture in the home, while the small plate is suitable for taking on trips. It is possible to choose a travel bag for the small model.

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