Assistive products for toileting

Assistive products to facilitate toiletting activities. Urine chutes, see 09 24 12. Non-body-worn urinals and urine bottles, see 09 27 09. Bidets, see 09 33 18. Supporting handrails and grab bars, see 18 18.
09 12 03

Commode chairs

(177 product series)
E.g. sanichairs, toilet wheelchairs, commode chairs also used for showering.

09 12 06


(30 product series)
E.g. raised or height adjustable toilets, toilets with built-in douche and air dryers.

09 12 09

Toilet seats

(21 product series)
Devices attached to the toilet bowl or toilet chair for a person to sit on.

09 12 10

Toilet splash guards

(13 product series)
Devices to keep bodily substances from splashing outside the toilet bowl.

09 12 12

Raised toilet seats, free-standing

(15 product series)
Raised toilet seats (separate) standing on floor, where the seat can easily be removed from the toilet bowl.

09 12 15

Raised toilet seats, detachable

(35 product series)
Raised toilet seats (loose attachments) placed directly on the toilet bowl/toilet seat.

09 12 18

Raised toilet seats fixed to toilet

(29 product series)
Devices permanently fixed on to a toilet bowl to increase the height of the seat.

09 12 21

Toilet seats with built-in raising mechanism to assist standing up and sitting down

(3 product series)
Toilet seats that have a built-in lifting mechanism.

09 12 24

Toilet arm supports and toilet back supports mounted on toilet

(13 product series)
Devices mounted on the toilet that provide support getting on or off the toilet.

09 12 25

Toilet arm supports and toilet back supports, free-standing

(5 product series)
Free-standing frames with two arm supports.

09 12 27

Toilet paper tongs

(12 product series)
Devices for holding toilet paper and facilitating bottom wiping.

09 12 30

Toilet roll holders

(15 product series)
Devices for holding toilet paper in an accessible position.

09 12 33


(9 product series)
Containers for collecting bodily waste matter, enabling a person to urinate and defecate while, e.g. in bed.

09 12 36

Douches and air dryers for attachment to a toilet

(18 product series)
Devices attached to a toilet to provide a water spray with or without air blowing afterwards.

09 12 45

Padding for toilet seats

(35 product series)
Pads specifically designed for toilet seats and commode chair seats for better comfort and distribution of pressure.