Assistive products for measuring, stimulating or training physiological and psychological functions

Products that monitor or assess a person’s medical condition and products for stimulating or training physiological and psychological functions. Orthoses and prostheses, se 06. Assistive products for seeing, see 22 03. Assistive products for hearing, see 22 06. Assistive products for vocational assessment and vocational training, see 28 27.
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Systam Wing Viscoflex Plus with pommel

Systam Wing Viscoflex Plus with pommel

Wing Viscoflec PLus with adjustable and pommel to prevention of forward sliding.

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Mercury Advance Bari

Mercury Advance Bari

Dyna-Form Mercury Advance Bari combines the benefits of modern foam technology with the benefits of a high/very high risk dynamic mattress. Offering high levels of patient comfort, this unique system has the facility to step up to that of a dynamic mattress when clinically required. Similarly the function can be downgraded if needed.

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Tilt couch

Tilt couch

Tilt function for rehabilitation, blood tests and patients with syncope. Can be tilted 0-90 degrees and adjust the height at 0 degrees. Equipped with accessory rails on both sides of the armrests and straps. Grade meter with indicator.

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Pain Xit

Pain Xit

Pain Gone Pen is a specially designed plastic unit, which is located electronics and crystals. By pressing the button on top of the pen, the built-in generator activates and it produces a short high-voltage shock of 15,000 volts (0.000006 amps), and hereby the process of pain relief where morphiner (endorphins) sent out in the blood get startet

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