Clothes and shoes

Included are, e.g. clothes and shoes for children. Body-worn assistive products for body protection, see 09 06. Assistive products for making and maintaining textiles for domestic use, see 15 15. Assistive products for health protection and safety in workplaces, see 28 24.
All product information is provided by the supplier. The National Board of Social Services is not responsible for either contents, origin, flaws and deficiencies, or any kind of damage that may occur from the use of the information. The National Board of Social Services has no authority to endorse products and does not assess the quality of the products. Hide this message.

Vesterbrogade 144E
1620 København V

Vesterbrogade 144E
1620 København V

Særslevvej 33
4871 Horbelev

Supplier discontinued

New Care
Værkstedsvej 16
5500 Middelfart

New Care
Værkstedsvej 16
5500 Middelfart

New Care
Værkstedsvej 16
5500 Middelfart