Assistive products to assist or replace arm function, hand function, finger function or combination of these functions
Devices for grasping, grip adapters, body-worn holders, stands, operating sticks, pointing lamps, forearm supports. Upper limb orthoses, see 06 06. Assistive products for hoisting and repositioning objects in workplaces, see 28 09. Assistive products for fixing, reaching and grasping objects in workplaces, see 28 12.24 18 03
Devices for grasping
(23 product series)Non-body-worn products for grasping an object that replace the gripping function of the hands.
24 18 06
Grip adapters and attachments
(75 product series)E.g. pen holders, pencil holders and brush-holders.
24 18 12
(3 product series)Free-standing devices for holding an object in a stable position.
24 18 15
Operating sticks
(4 product series)Devices for controlling other devices and input devices for computers.
24 18 27
Arm supports to permit manual activities
(23 product series)Devices supporting the forearm during manual activities, e.g. deskwork or eating.
24 18 30
Robotic manipulators
(1 product series)Powered products, controlled by the user with e.g. a joystick, to replace arm, hand and finger functions, to reach, grasp and move objects in space.