Assistive products for supporting and stimulating blood circulation

Equipment for assisting circulation by passive or active compression. Blood pressure meters, see 04 24 09. Equipment for movement, strength, balance and cardio training, see 04 48.
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JoViPak nightcompression

JoViPak nightcompression

A night bandage that is a suplement for the daily use of compression stocking. Wet bandages and night compression do not treat or remove lymphedema, but relieve the daily genes that may occur in those who are particularly hard hit.

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Reflexwear Compression & Flight Socks

Reflexwear Compression & Flight Socks

The reflexwear stocking can increase the health of the feet at the following points:
- Increase blood circulation
- Increase oxygen levels in the skin and muscle tissue
- Increase wound healing
- Reduce Pain & Neuropathy
- Keeping Your Feet Warm / Controlling the Temperature
- More restful sleep

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