Invacare Storm4
The Storm4 power wheelchair has been created to satisfy even the most demanding user requirements regarding onfigurability, adaptability and functionality. The construction of the driving unit makes services simple and swift.
Add to My listInvacare A/S
Sdr. Ringvej 37
2605 Brøndby
+45 36 90 00 00
Invacare AVIVA FX
AVIVA FX with Modulite is an electric wheelchair with many features, new technology and new design.
AVIVA FX has a suspension system that minimizes vibrations and shocks, which provides extra comfort and control, especially for users with impaired balance in the upper body or with pain in the back and arms.
Invacare A/S
Sdr. Ringvej 37
2605 Brøndby
+45 36 90 00 00
M Corpus VS R-net
The M Corpus VS adds a new dimension to standing functionality with the maneuverability of a CWD chassis. All advanced seat functions incl. the standing function and driving parameters are easily set with the QuickConfig app based on individual needs. Pivoting knee supports with an easily accessible release mechanism are easily moved when moving.
Add to My listPermobil Danmark A/S
Hørskætten 18
2630 Taastrup
+45 44 68 14 06
Jørn Iversen Rødekro ApS
Hydevadvej 48
6230 Rødekro
+45 74 66 92 42
Jørn Iversen Rødekro ApS
Hydevadvej 48
6230 Rødekro
+45 74 66 92 42
Jørn Iversen Rødekro ApS
Hydevadvej 48
6230 Rødekro
+45 74 66 92 42
Jørn Iversen Rødekro ApS
Hydevadvej 48
6230 Rødekro
+45 74 66 92 42
TA IQ FWD Stand-Up
TA iQ FWD StandUp is a strong, stable, well-resilient / shock absorbing front-wheel-drive electric wheelchair with all electrical functions, as well as our innovative stand function with both the option of sitting to standing and from lying to standing as well as the possibility of 4 memory positions.
Add to My listTA Service A/S
Centervej Syd 2
4733 Tappernøje
+45 56 72 57 77
Mobil Scooter
Anker Andersens Vej 2
7160 Tørring
+45 31 31 91 17
F5 Corpus VS R-net
F5 Corpus VS is a strong and stable wheelchair with a standing function up to 80. On the PP version, all advanced seat functions incl. the standing function and driving parameters are set with the QuickConfig app based on individual needs. Pivoting knee supports with an easily accessible release mechanism are easily moved for transfer.
Add to My listPermobil Danmark A/S
Hørskætten 18
2630 Taastrup
+45 44 68 14 06